Outdoor Education Program
There are few field trip opportunities within Yuba County—especially ones that focus on science standards for K-4th grade. Our program aims to fill that void! Lake Francis Outdoor Education offers place-based learning that helps students build connections with nature while expanding relationships with each other.
Most Outdoor Education programs in California are tailored to 5th and 6th grade. However, there are very few opportunities for students to gain observation skills or gain the social skills to be away from home in a cabin over night before a 4 or 5 day program in 5th or 6th grade.
Students will have a variety of take away memories from their trip. Lake Francis Outdoor Education “casts a wide net” in the goals that we want students to take back with them. For some, this experience may spark excitement in science. For others, it could be the hands-on outdoor learning environment. The observation skills to notice the nature that is around them they will take back home. Finally, for some students, the strongest memories are bonding with other students in their class and cabin.
Our Location
Students will learn invaluable lessons in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada!